In Vedic astrology, Jupiter is considered one of the most important and benefic planets. It is often referred to as "Guru" and is associated with wisdom, knowledge, spirituality, expansion, and growth. Jupiter is also known as the planet of abundance and good fortune. Here are some key points about Jupiter in Vedic astrology: Significance: Jupiter is considered one of the most auspicious and positive planets in Vedic astrology. It represents higher learning, spirituality, wisdom, and prosperity. It is also associated with teachers, gurus, and mentors. Ruling Signs: Jupiter traditionally rules two signs in Vedic astrology: Sagittarius (Dhanu Rashi) and Pisces (Meena Rashi). When Jupiter is placed in these signs in a person's birth chart, it tends to express its qualities more strongly. Exaltation and Debilitation: Jupiter is exalted in Cancer (Karka) and debilitated in Capricorn (Makara). When Jupiter is in Cancer, its positive qualities are enhanced, and when in Capricorn, its influence may be weakened. Benefic Planet: Jupiter is considered a natural benefic planet in Vedic astrology. Its placement in a person's birth chart is generally seen as favorable and can bring blessings and opportunities in various areas of life. Graha (Planet) Mantra: The mantra associated with Jupiter is "Om Brihaspataye Namaha." Chanting this mantra is believed to appease Jupiter and attract its positive energies. Jupiter's Aspects: In Vedic astrology, planets cast aspects on other planets or houses. Jupiter has a special aspect on the 5th and 9th houses from its position. This is known as its "drishti" or influence, and it is considered very auspicious. The 5th house represents creativity, education, and children, while the 9th house represents spirituality, higher education, and long-distance travel. Jupiter's aspect on these houses can bring growth and positive outcomes in these areas. Dasha Period: The Jupiter Dasha or Jupiter's planetary period is seen as a time of growth, learning, and expansion. It can be a favorable period for personal and professional development. Jupiter Retrograde: When Jupiter goes retrograde in a person's birth chart, its energy is believed to turn inward. This may lead the individual to reflect on their beliefs, values, and spirituality. Jupiter Transits: The movement of Jupiter through different signs in the sky can have a significant impact on individuals and nations. Jupiter's transit through a particular sign can bring opportunities, growth, and sometimes challenges depending on its placement. Remedies: If Jupiter is weak or afflicted in a birth chart, Vedic astrologers may recommend specific remedies to strengthen its positive influence. These remedies can include wearing gemstones like yellow sapphire, performing rituals, and chanting Jupiter mantras. In Vedic astrology, the placement of Jupiter in a person's birth chart is carefully analyzed to understand its influence on various aspects of life, including career, education, marriage, and spirituality. It is generally seen as a planet that bestows blessings and helps individuals expand their horizons in a positive way.