In Vedic astrology, Ketu is one of the nine primary celestial entities known as the "Navagrahas." Ketu is often referred to as the "South Node of the Moon," and it is associated with the lunar eclipse point. It is considered a shadowy planet and is often associated with spiritual and karmic matters. Here are some key significances of Ketu in Vedic astrology:

Spiritual and Mystical

Ketu is strongly associated with spirituality, mysticism, and the pursuit of higher knowledge. It represents the spiritual path that one must tread in this lifetime to achieve enlightenment and liberation (moksha).

Liberation and Detachment

Ketu signifies detachment from material desires and a focus on the spiritual aspect of life. It encourages individuals to let go of attachments to worldly possessions and desires, ultimately leading them toward spiritual growth and self-realization.

Past Life Karma

Ketu is often linked to past life karma and experiences. It represents the accumulated karmic influences from previous lifetimes that shape a person's current life circumstances and challenges.

Psychic and Intuitive Abilities

Ketu is associated with psychic and intuitive abilities. It can grant individuals heightened intuition and a deeper connection to the subconscious mind.


Ketu is sometimes associated with asceticism and the renunciation of worldly pleasures. People with strong Ketu influences may be drawn to a life of solitude, meditation, or spiritual practices.


Ketu is seen as a planet that can lead individuals toward the ultimate goal of moksha or liberation from the cycle of birth and death (samsara). Its influence encourages people to seek deeper spiritual understanding.

Dharma and Destiny

Ketu's placement in a person's birth chart can provide insights into their karmic destiny and the lessons they need to learn in this lifetime. It can also indicate areas of life where individuals may face challenges and spiritual growth opportunities.

Combinations with Rahu

Ketu and Rahu are often considered as a pair in Vedic astrology, known as the "Rahu-Ketu axis." While Rahu represents desires and material pursuits, Ketu represents the detachment from those desires. The balance between these two nodes is crucial in a person's life journey.


Ketu is associated with specific gemstones (like cat's eye) and mantras that can be used to mitigate its negative effects or enhance its positive qualities. Remedies may also involve specific rituals and acts of charity. It's important to remember that Ketu's influence in a person's chart is highly individual and depends on its placement, aspects, and conjunctions with other planets. An experienced Vedic astrologer can provide a more personalized interpretation of Ketu's significance in a birth chart and offer guidance on how to navigate its energies for spiritual growth and self-realization.