In Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish, Mercury is referred to as "Budha" and is considered one of the nine primary celestial entities, known as the "Navagrahas." Each of these celestial bodies is associated with specific characteristics, influences, and significations in a person's horoscope. Mercury plays a significant role in Vedic astrology, and its influence is associated with various aspects of a person's life and personality. Here are some key aspects of Mercury in Vedic astrology:

Planet of Communication

Mercury is primarily associated with communication, intellect, and mental faculties. It governs the way individuals think, analyze, and express themselves verbally and in writing.


Mercury represents areas such as communication skills, learning ability, speech, writing, mathematics, logical thinking, and intellectual pursuits. It is also connected to skills related to trade, commerce, and business.

Ruling Signs

Mercury rules over two signs in Vedic astrology, Gemini (Mithuna) and Virgo (Kanya). It is particularly strong in these signs and tends to express its qualities more effectively when placed in them.

Exalted and Debilitated

Mercury is exalted in the sign of Virgo, which means it is considered highly potent in this sign. On the other hand, it is debilitated in the sign of Pisces (Meena), which means its influence may be weakened when placed in this sign.


The placement of Mercury in specific houses of a person's birth chart (horoscope) can provide insights into various life areas. For example, Mercury in the first house may emphasize communication and self-expression, while Mercury in the seventh house can impact marriage and partnerships.


Mercury can cast aspects on other planets, affecting their influence in a person's chart. Its aspects can stimulate mental activity and communication with the houses and planets it influences.


Mercury is often associated with siblings and cousins, as well as friendships. Its placement and aspects in a birth chart can provide insights into one's relationships with these individuals.


In Vedic astrology, certain planetary combinations and positions can indicate doshas or afflictions. Mercury can be involved in dosha formations, such as the "Budha Aditya Dosha," which occurs when Mercury is too close to the Sun in a birth chart.


If Mercury is afflicted or not well-placed in a person's chart, astrologers may suggest specific remedies or propitiatory measures to strengthen its positive influence. These remedies can include wearing gemstones (like emerald), performing specific rituals, or chanting mantras associated with Mercury.